Meet the Dando Voz team!


Category: Anti-Racism and Equity, Dando Voz, Legal Advocacy, Therapy

Type: Blog

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Our Dando Voz (Giving Voice) program offers comprehensive service for Latinx* survivors with a dedicated support line, advocacy, therapy and other supports. Our team of 19 bilingual/bicultural staff includes direct service providers who empower survivors and their families with information and resources as they begin their healing.

We asked members of our Dando Voz team to share a little about their own backgrounds, heritage, fun facts and favorite things about their culture as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Here’s what they had to say:

Claudia Cortes, Bilingual Therapist

Woman with long brown hair, smiling, wearing a green vest and white shirtI was born in Mexico City and came to the US at the age of 4. I’m still very connected to my family back home and make an effort to stay in touch. In my home, we participate in many traditions and celebrations including Dia de los Muertos, Christmas on the 24th, Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe, and many more. My kids are learning to speak Spanish and love dancing and singing to Spanish music!

I am a proud immigrant and daughter of immigrants. My parents are my biggest inspiration and drive to be the best version of myself that I can be. I want to honor their sacrifices and hard work through my life’s work and accomplishments.

Raquel Rodriguez, Bilingual Legal Advocate

smiling woman with light brown shoulder-length hair wearing a white blouse.I was born in California and moved to Washington when I was 9 years old. My family is from Aguascalientes, Mexico and I enjoy traveling there to visit family. One of my favorite things about visiting Mexico is riding with the windows down, the smell of my grandparents’ ranch, and all the good food!

My parents have always inspired and encouraged me to pursue my professional and personal goals. They are genuinely happy for the life I live, proud of my accomplishments, and supportive of the goals I envision and set for myself.

Claudia Godina, Legal Advocate Supervisor

woman with long light brown hair, smiling wearing a black blazer and green blouse.I currently ride on an escaramuza team with my two sisters. This sport consists of wearing a traditional Adelita dress and riding a horse on a side saddle along with 7 other riders. The sport was inspired by the Adelitas, who fought in the Mexican Revolution. Adelitas (woman soldiers) played a crucial role in the Mexican Revolution 1910-1920.

I am proud and grateful for the resilience my community has shown throughout history and still today.

Alejandra Ramirez, Bilingual Legal Advocate

Alejandra has long dark hair, and wears a mauve turtleneck sweater.

Hola!!! I am a first generation Latina, mommy of one handsome baby boy, sister of two deaf twin brothers and a fierce trilingual advocate. 🙂 Retail therapy is my hobby, I love to cook and try new recipes, deep cleaning is my form of self-care and listening to Mexican music is what heals me. Banda, Nortenas, reggaeton, cumbias, you name it.

I come from a family who had absolutely nothing and built ourselves from the ground up. My parents have taught me the importance of getting an education and building a future from a career that is close to my heart and one in which I can give back to our community. Graduating from a 4-year university was mine and my family’s ultimate goal. This is now my ultimate goal for my baby boy – seeing him graduate and make a difference in our community.

Agustina Eiff, Director of Clinical Services

Every day and throughout the day, I sip my mate (pronounced MA-teh), a traditional herbal tea from South America. It’s the taste of home in a cup.

Our Dando Voz clients are my daily inspiration. Many of them have overcome unimaginable adversity, but that is not what defines them; their resilience and determination is.



Gabriela Hernandez, Bilingual Therapist

Smiling woman with long curly dark hair wearing a green sleeveless blouse and gold necklace with black pendantI have a master’s in clinical psychology and in 25 US states, I can be called a master’s level psychologist.

Fun fact: I have gone skydiving and almost threw up on the instructor.

I have a dream to dismantle the taboo on mental health in the Latin community in order for more people who struggle with their mental health to receive services.



Berenice Aballi,  Bilingual Legal Advocate

Woman with red curly hair smiles. She wears a copper orange top and gold necklace.How I stay connected to my roots is by listening to Spanish music (Banda, Reggaetón, Cumbia etc), family events, going to Latinx events, reading the news for Latinx countries, and also going for jobs where I work directly with the Latinx community.

The thing I am most proud of is that our culture is about community. No matter what situation I have been in, I can count on my community to help even if they can’t solve the problem. Not just family but strangers as well. Also proud we get to claim Jenni Rivera, a strong vocal woman who has inspired me and made an impact in a male dominated genre. Last thing, I love how colorful the culture is, compared to the US, which tends to be more neutral color schemes.

Ivonne Gomez, Bilingual Legal Advocate

Smiling woman with long dark hair wears an orange sweater and gold necklace.My family was the first family that founded “Asociacion De Charros Con La Federación Mexicana de Charrería” in the state of WA. I contributed by organizing, training, participating and captain the first Escaramuza team, Las Alteñitas de Herencia Bonita.

I love the Mexican culture, everything “Charro/Charra.” Many believe that fútbol is Mexico’s national sport, however that is untrue. The national sport that was born in Mexico, DF was La Charrería in 1921. This sport continues to grow and is very competitive. I love cheering for all the “Suertes” and seeing Charros/Charras dressed in the traditional attire alongside their horse.

*Did you know?  KCSARC uses the term Latinx instead of Hispanic because it is a more inclusive and gender-neutral term that respects the diversity of gender identities within the Latin American and Spanish-speaking community. Additionally, Latinx acknowledges the broader cultural and ethnic identities beyond just Spanish-speaking heritage, recognizing indigenous, Afro-Latinx, and other heritages that may not be captured by the term Hispanic.

We also recognize there is no universal agreement on the use of this term, and that those who share this identity are not a homogenous ethnic group. We continue with humility to learn and adapt our language choices.

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