Thank you for your partnership
2022-23 Impact Report
KCSARC’s mission is to give voice to victims, their families and communities, to create change in beliefs, attitudes and behaviors about sexual violence, and instill courage for people to speak out about sexual assault.
Thank you for your partnership and belief in our mission.
Each survivor we assist experiences the healing power that a strong community of support delivers.
Together, we continue to create profound change in the way survivors perceive their experience, replacing shame, fear and silence with restored agency, empowerment and hope.
And with your support, we’ve expanded our prevention work in schools and communities to keep shifting attitudes and behaviors that lead to sexual assault, and, importantly, address trauma that exists.
We’re pleased to report back on our work over the last year — one that has challenged and energized KCSARC’s board and staff as our long-time founding CEO Mary Ellen Stone prepares to retire.
Update from Board President Marilyn Sherron
“Each member of our Board is meaningfully engaged and invested in our nationwide search and transition planning.”
-Marilyn Sherron, Board President
In their words: Empowered Voices
One thing that motivates many survivors to come forward is wanting to prevent sexual assault from happening to others.
KCSARC’s Empowered Voices program provides a platform for survivors and their supportive family members who wish to share their experience in meaningful ways. Their voice helps other survivors understand they are not alone and instills courage in others to speak out about sexual violence.
In 2022, this program, formerly known as Speakers Bureau, provided training and support for an inspiring group of survivors to speak out.
Members participated in media interviews, testified before legislators, and spoke at events such as KCSARC’s BE LOUD Breakfast, webinars and other gatherings.
Their dedication to helping others is inspiring. It is our honor to work with them, and to share with you some of what they say KCSARC has meant to them, in their own words, throughout this report.

“I found the power to live my life in happiness!”

“I found the power to speak up for myself. Once I did speak up, I realized there were people who would listen to me and give me support. I didn’t have to carry the burden of my past alone and in silence. Instead of dwelling on the past, and allowing it to drown my happiness, I look forward to a future of brighter days filled with joys I hadn’t realized existed until now.”
– Lorna
Assisting more survivors
Board leadership, dedicated to mission
“Our family has, unfortunately, experienced sexual assault. Your donations made it possible for my family to receive the healing and the help that we needed in our darkest moment.”
-Dennis Higgins, Board Member
“Your partnership inspires us, and shows us that you care, and allows KCSARC to do more in the community every day.”
-Angela Bultemeier, Board Vice President

24-hour Resource Line
4,636 callers last year accessed the information, crisis support and referrals for follow-up services they needed by dialing 1.888.99.VOICE.
Not every Resource Line caller seeks further services. Some only need a reassuring voice to tell them they’re not alone. Others want help understanding whether abuse is happening to them or someone they care for. Our team of advocates is there, always.
In their words: Empowered Voices

“After connecting with KCSARC, I found the power to use my voice in ways I never would have imagined. I found purpose in making positive change, touching lives with hope and sharing with other survivors they are not alone. I began to see the rippling effect of such efforts from my voice. The power your voice holds is unstoppable. How you choose to use it will have an impact one way or another.”

“Every survivor feels fear and it is hard to explain to them that healing is possible. I know I didn’t think I could move past my traumas of sexual assault and domestic violence. Working with KCSARC showed me it was possible! I learned to get my power back and as soon as I felt that strength, I knew I was healing. KCSARC helped me find my sparkle again!”
Preventing sexual violence
Preventing sexual violence before it happens takes a 360-degree effort and the support of the whole community.
In the last year, we learned more about the mental health impacts of the pandemic. It’s clear the post-pandemic era has been particularly difficult on children and young people.
Our prevention work has never been more crucial.
In 2022, we were able to increase our prevention team to three full-time staff, including two mental health practitioners. This team began a pilot program in Renton middle and high schools that addresses new challenges from all fronts.
First, classroom lessons help students re-think norms, narratives and behaviors that contribute to a culture of violence. That learning is supported with parent/caregiver connection — in fact, we’ve made it easier for parents to understand and support what their student is talking about in class with tools like The Link to Prevention podcast.
Next, our prevention partnership in Renton includes placing KCSARC therapists in schools, working alongside other health providers to respond quickly to the needs of students who have experienced abuse, decreasing their risk of future harm.

Prevention & Outreach
We led the community conversation about sexual violence in schools, through trainings and webinars, and via our online channels, webinars and in-person events.
Combined, we equipped more than 52,000 individuals to actively engage in ending sexual violence.
In their words: Empowered Voices

“Connecting with KCSARC in childhood forever changed the direction of my life. I found the power to claim my story, the support to pursue justice, and a home to pursue peace. Over 15 years later and KCSARC continues to empower me to speak out loudly and advocate for victims of sexual assault.”

“After connecting with KCSARC I could finally unburden myself from feeling shame and blaming myself for the abuse I suffered. Through my healing journey with KCSARC I learned to be courageous and find my voice. I learned that there is power in my story and in connection with other survivors.”
Understanding who we serve: our client’s age and gender
Last year,
almost half
of those KCSARC served were
children & teens.
*Chart shows percentage

Most survivors seeking help at KCSARC identify as female.
The difficulty in disclosing sexual assault is especially acute for male and trans or non-binary survivors.
Almost 1 in 5
KCSARC clients identified as male, transgender or non-binary in 2022.
Helping thousands to heal and seek justice

KCSARC supported survivors from every city in King County.
Survivors from South King County and City of Seattle comprise
of our caseload.

Legal Advocacy
Our legal advocacy team supported and empowered 2,431 survivors to make decisions right for them as they navigated the complex and challenging legal system.

Trauma-Specific Therapy
No survivor should live with the effects of trauma when effective treatment is available.
Last year, 370 children, teens and adults participated in trauma-specific, evidence-based therapy at KCSARC. In 2022, we returned to offering therapy both in-person as well as via telehealth.

Client Advocacy Support
Last year, our team of client care specialists responded to and connected 2,376 survivors and their families to specific services to meet their individual needs.

Family Services
Parents of 312 children receiving KCSARC services to help them recover from the trauma of sexual assault learned how to better facilitate their child’s healing.
Serving the whole community
Client Race
Client Ethnicity
Creating healing space for Latinx survivors
Understanding and responding to the unique needs of Latinx sexual assault survivors is an area of specialization and growth at KCSARC.
Survivors and families whose primary language is Spanish, some of whom have migrated to King County from other countries, face specific challenges to healing and justice.
KCSARC’s Dando Voz (Our Voice) program is one of KCSARC’s fastest-growing.
It is staffed by 19 bilingual and bicultural therapists, legal advocates and client care specialists. This dedicated team assists survivors and families navigating a myriad of barriers specific to Latinx survivors, tailoring services and information for cultural relevance.
Along with advocacy and therapy, Dando Voz staff are able to connect clients who need legal representation with local attorneys through a partnership program called Abriendo Puertas (Opening Doors).
Dando Voz staff are a welcoming presence for Latinx survivors who believe they are alone in their suffering.

“He aprendido que somos más valientes de lo que creemos y que cada vez que rompo el silencio me siento un poco más fuerte. Que a pesar del trauma aún conservo cosas maravillosas dentro de mí y eso es por lo que vale la pena luchar.”
“I have learned that we are braver than we think and that every time I break the silence I feel a little stronger. That despite the trauma I still have wonderful things inside me and that is what is worth fighting for.”

Dando Voz (Giving Voice)
531 Spanish-speaking clients accessed culturally relevant therapy, legal advocacy, family education and referrals in 2022.
All photos: Jennifer Richard Photography
2022 Financials
Thank you to our 2022 donors & partners
Individuals, Corporations and Foundations contributed $2.13 million in 2022.
Our donors represented an important and growing share of our funding story last year. Because of your generosity, survivors and their families could access support the moment they reached out for help, and faced no barriers to service.
Your investment also helped us innovate and grow our prevention education and outreach work in the community. As partners in our work, donors empowered young people with the tools they need to stop sexual violence from happening.
Bill and Janette Adamucci
Frank and Charlene Blethen
Angela and Eric Bultemeier
Rosanne Esposito-Ross and Louis Ross
Ellen Ferguson and Diana Sill
Peter Kerr
Suzanne Krahling
Jan Levy
Maribeth O’Connor and Chuck Nordhoff
Judy Pigott
Rebecca Roe and Tim Greenleaf
Margaret Walker
Deirdre and Fraser Black
Summer and Kyle Bozick
Gaylia and Larry Bullock
Paula and William Clapp
Kathy and Thomas Dahlby
Jo Anne and Alan Holt
Alden and Meghan Kroll
Brian and Diane Langstraat
Mark and Laura Lester
Janet Matthews
Elisabeth and Kit Merker
Sean O’Brien
Jim and Mariette O’Donnell
Thomas Rasmussen and Clayton Lewis
Amy and Patrick Schlight
Marilyn Sherron
David Tarshes and Deborah Kerdeman
Lauren Venezia
Anne and Greg Adams
Robert Albers
Kathleen Anamosa and Jim Taggard
Jessica and Jason Anderson
Carole and Gerald Anderson
Eric Artz
Jean-Loup Baer and Diane Roseman-Baer
Mark and Heather Barbieri
Thomas Thompson and Lisca Borichewski
Judith and J. Cleve Borth
Leslie and Joshua Boyd
Douglas Brandt
Marnix Brinkhoff
Dodi and Richard Briscoe
Alexandra Brookshire
Jacqueline Brown and Bill Wheatley
G. Paul Brown
Jonathan and Carol Buchter
Tom and Julie Bui
Mary and Mel Butler
Christy Caldwell
Rick and Terri Catalani
Rebecca Cates
Grace Chien
Steve Cohn
Crissa Cugini
William DeJarlais
Kathryn Dillon
Bernadene and Dennis Dochnahl
Catherine Dovey and Kevin Cornwell
David Dunn
Mark and Melissa Eamer
Noah Edelstein and Dianna Winegarden
Paul Elliott
Holly Emmons
Jacqueline Esteban
Tiffiny Evans
Patty and Steven Fleischmann
Mike Flood
Michele Matassa Flores
Jesse and Catherine Franklin
David Franzen and Heidi Feist
Faith Gant
Joseph and Therese Gassert
Susan and Robert Gellatly
Roberta Goodnow and Daniel Lipkie
Yvonne and Daniel Hall
Annette and Michael Hargett
Bruce and Joanne Harrell
Lucy Helm
Piper Henry
Jacqueline Hershey
Dennis and Karyn Higgins
Eric and Claire Hogan
Lisa and William Holderman
Kandace and Rick Holley
Ken Hornung and Alicia Rivera
Michele Hughes
Rituja Indapure
Karli K. Jorgensen and Thomas Everts
Diane Kappa and Steve Greimann
Daniel and Marilyn Keithly
Margaret Kineke and Dennis West
Eric Larson
Andrew and Donna Lee
Carla Lewis
Marta Lowe
Larraine Lynch and Justin Slane
Bonnie Main and Richard Pichler
Alisha Mark
Julia and Colin May
Elizabeth McCaw
Deanna and William McCoy
Elizabeth Merk
Arlene Mitchell
Janet and Douglas Moczulewski
Clare and Robert Moe
Charles and Kari Moore
Carl Morris and Sandrine Ducos
Jonathan Morrison and Lucy Davies
Chloe Neely
Daniel Peck
Lawton and Stephen Penn
Colin and Sarah Philp
Sherre and Greg Piantanida
Bill and Teresa Predmore
Paula Reynolds
John Rheinberger
Michele Rosen
Patrick Roux
Alexa Rudin
Paul and Carrie Sanford
Daniel Satterberg and Linda Norman
Ryan and Stephanie Schafer
Diana and Derek Schuetz
Jeffrey and Catherine
Karen and Dale Sharp
Susan Shaver
Stacy Shaw Welch
Kathryn Shields
Sylvia Shiroyama
Mark Sidran and Anais Winant
Jennifer Simons
Devin Smith and Robin Moore
Elizabeth Snapinn
Johann J. Song
Sheri Southern and Karin Kroh
Pat and Mardi St Laurent
Katherine and Michael Stanfill
Linda Stauffer
Mary Ellen Stone and Gary Mahn
Laura Swapp and Craig Campbell
Jeanna Taylor
Alexandra and William Thompson
Jennifer Thomsen
Christa and John Tinker
Leslie and Ian Tubbs
Diane Ulacia
Daniel and Cari Wall
Susan Warwick
Masaki Watson
Kathi White and Marcie Headen
Mary Williamson and Kurt Kiefer
Kelsey and Peter Wilson
Alex Winney
DeAnn Yamamoto
Lu Yang
Gabe Aeschliman
Laurie Anderson
Amy Asbury and Kevin Rogers
Nancy and Kemon Backus
Timothy and Andrea Barber
Lynn Behar
Mark and Judith Benjamin
Fiona Blank
Justin Boland
Daniel Bridge
Krista and Benjamin Bryan
Timothy Burgess
Collin Burnett
Regina Cahan and Howard Schneiderman
Christine Charbonneau
Maxwell Collins-Shenfield
Jon Conte
Theresa Craw
Philip and Sharon Dawson
Anonymous Donors From Microsoft
Marvin Eckfeldt
Mary Edington
John Emau
Jill Fagan
Karen Fantozzi
Stephanie Fife
Cedar Finkle-Weaver
Kristina Fordice
Camille Gearhart and Timothy Burner
Jeff and Julie Gelfuso
Hana Gold
Ann Gosch
Carolyn Gray
Juliann Gresham
John Harer
David Hill
Crystal Hill
Chris and Christy Hooppaw
Jacquelyn Shelton Howard
Jim and Simmi Hydzik
Laura Inveen and Bill Shaw
Lauren Jassny
Becky Johnson
Chris and Laurie Johnson
Julie Kline
Leon and Janice Kranz
Eric Johnson and Jennifer Lill
Theresa Lindow
J.D. Lloyd & Julia Leonas
Benjamin Loeb
Ellen Look
Dana Lorenze
Laura and Robert Lurry
Jim and Sheila Mallahan
Joseph Mallahan
Bill Maynard
Betty Anne and Allen McCall
Kristian Miller
Heidi Munson
Charles Norton
Dennis O’Leary
Travis Osborne
Nancy Paine
Nancy Peterson
Jim and Lanette Peterson
Jean and Karl Pishaw
Dan Ports
Gloria Pumphrey
Verónica Quiñónez
Jo-Hanna Read
Laurel and Kevin Redden
Meenakshi Rishi
William Romberger
Linda Shigaki and Mark Baker
Andre Sidler
Nancy Simon
Rhonda Slater
Skip Slavin
Bilyana Slavova
John and Laura Smiley
Sherry Smith and Matthew Huston
Rhonda Smith
Chris Starr
Jack Warren Stephenson Jr
Mari Stosich-Wall
Winnie Stratton
Lisa Stratton
Kate Sullivan and Robert Denis
Alexander Thielman
Karen and Michael Thorp
Nancy & Marc Tollefson
Jose Ubeda and Georgina Raworth
Tom Varga
Jaime Vargas
Ruth and Jerry Verhoff
Sandy Wainwright
Ellen Wallach and Tom Darden
Carol Werner
Peter Wickstrand
Kelly Wiley
Fritz Wollett
Kevin Wright and Patti Goodall
Spring Zoog and Richard Marks
Up to $499
Cabrelle Abel
Patricia Adams and James Whitson
Kokie Adams
Avanti Adhia
Mark “Danger” Adkins
Elizabeth Gray Akers
Julia Algire
Megan and Wayne Allen
Sarah and Robert Alsdorf
Laura Altschul and Nancy Alpers
Kevin P. America
Tori Ammons
Kellie Anderson
Ed Anderson
David Anderson
Ingrid Anderson
Sofia Aragon
Susan and Edward Archibald
Lisbeth Armentano
Sharon Armstrong
David Askov
Fadi Assaf
Ryan Baerwolf and Shannon Parmley
Claudia Balducci
Susan Barber
Matt Barmore and Nancy Hanson
Tara Barnes
Colleen Barrett
Tim Baston
Travis Baxley
Holly Bays
Kate BD
Matthew Bebbington
Mary Beckmann
Michele Bedard-Gilligan
Marc Berejka
Lisa Berenstein
Jessica Berliner and John Cell
Carolyn and Daniel Bernhard
Bill Bielby
Kerry Billingham
Valerie Billmire
Heather Bishop
Beth Bisignano
Donald Bistline
Rachel Blackburn
Deidre Blackenship
Aurora Blackmore
Jimmy Blais
Beth Bloom
Jim Boggeri
Jenna Boitano
Shawn Bomers and Renee Rassilyer-Bomers
Derrick Bonafilia
Sarah Bonafilia
Antoinette Bonsignore
Sameen Boparai
Michelle Bouchard
Ninona Boujrada
Isabelle Bradbury
Margaret Bradly
Amy Brandt
Todd Brickman
Dannetta Brim
Debra Brockman
Fabienne and Herbert Brooks
Bruce Brooks
Kimberley Brown
Christian Brown
Gordon Brown
Brooke Brown
Patricia Bruckbauer
Anne Bryant
Paul Bucknor
Nanette Bultemeier
Galyn Bunnell
Katie Bunn-Marcuse
Corinne Burger
Alex Burks
Aubony Burns
Laurene Burton
Suzanne Bute Bordwell
Traci Buxton
Lidi Cala Toloza
Meredith Calhoun
Representative Lisa Callan
Jennifer Cameron
Kelly Campbell
Henry Campbell
Gregory Canova and Barbara Linde
Kathy and Jim Captain
Walter Cardona
Kim Carlson
Diane and Terrence Carroll
Jen Carter
Matthew Carter
Oscar Castillo
Kaya Castillo
Natalie Cerna
Alan Chaffee
Sarah Chambers
Robert Chateauneuf
Louise Chernin
Xenia Chilkowich
SJ Chiro
Helen Chubb
Chris Clack
Sally Clark
Michael Clark
Lindsey Clark
Dan Clark
Julie Clark
Martha Clatterbaugh
James Claussen
Scott Cline and Carolyn Cohen
David Coffey
Kathryn Collins
Janet Sue Collins
Agustina Colombo Eiff and Gustavo Basualdo
Gil Colunga
John Comerford
Kerry Confer
Ruth Conn
Dow Constantine
Mary Convento
Mark Cook
Nicole Coope
Adam Cooper
Karen Cope
Ricardo Coronado Hernandez
Robyn Corr
Gisele Corrie
Claudia Cortes
Christena Coutsoubos and Sean Bowles
Jessica Cowles
Judy and Gene Craig
Yvonne Curtis
Carole Dahlem
Laura Daly
Janine Dana
Pam Daniels
Tina Danzig
Roger Davis
Ann Davison
Nabanita De
Jasmine De Leon
Kristiana de Leon
Barbara de Michele
Steven Dean
Ramina Dehkhoda-Steele
Anne Mace-Deines and Christopher Deines
Liliana Delman
Cynthia Delostrinos
Betsy Dennis
Gregory Deviny
Adrian Diaz
Jay Didion
Steven Dietz
Oluwafunmi Dipo-Ajayi
Brook Dodd
Brian Dolman
John Dooley
Christine Drape
Tyann Draper
Bailey Durnin
Alexandra DuSablon
Emily Dworkin
Carie E.
Karl Eckhardt
Diane Edmonds
Mary and Bryce Edwards
Cara Egan
Bobbie Egan
Rondi Egenes
Mareike Ehrlich
Allan Ekberg
Brandy Elliott
Brenda Elliott
Christiane Elsbree
Rachel Emens
Lori Engdahl
Holly England
Noni Ervin
Richard Erwin
Erin Esteban Mejia
Deborah Estrada
Walt Fangman and Janice Flynn
Lindsey Farmer
Adrienne Fermoyle
Steven Fernandes
Paola Fernandez
Deborah and Richard Ferse
Richard Fike
Brenda Fincher
Sarah Finney
Jacob Fiume
Nancy and Terry Flajole
Timothy Flanagan
William Flash
Lisa Flotlin
Melinda Becker-Flotlin and Ric Flotlin
Cathleen Flotlin
Tayler Fluharty
Allison Ford
Albert Foster
Marta Fowler
Evan Fowler
Kelsey Fowler
Robin Fox and Bruce Quayle
Donna and David Foxley
Jeffrey Frank
Elizabeth Franklin
Darcy Frantz Fulcher
Melinda Friedman
Karen Friedman and Robert Snyder
Colin Froines
Joshua Furman
Nicole Gainey
Linda and Gerald Gallagher
Jolene Gannaway
Brad Gardner
Todd Gardner
Samuel Gardner
Katie Gardner-Boehm and Matt Boehm
Janet Garrow
Ray Gauthier
Mary Gauthier
Gabby Gauthier
Kassidy Gerber
Ashley Gianninotti
Thomas Giardino
Jessica Giese
Shawn Gillen
Tom Gleason
Chris Glein
Diane Glenn
Ann Godejohn
Darcey Goelz
Julia Gold
Merkys Gomez and Michael Bundesmann
Nicole Gomez
Lorette Gonen
Matt Gonzalez
Katie Goodin
Ann Goodwillie
Don Gordon
Mary Gotti
Thomas and Jeannene Gould
Barb Gratton Kopiasz
Donald and Ginny Gray
Cortnay Gray
Sara Griggs
Matthew Gross
Rod Guevara
Mira Gupta
Kamuron Gurol
Timothy Ha
Carly Haapala
Lisa Hadley
Jennifer Hagander-Luanava
Lynn Hagerman
Anika Hahn
Marilyn Hair
Ruth Ann Halford
Helen Halpert
Jill Hamada
Jarrod and Katherine Hamilton
Sydney Hammerquist
Anja Hanson
Camilla Hanson
Duncan Harper
Paula Harper-Christensen
Richard Harrington
Gail Harris
Trip and Kerri Hart
Linda J Hartzell
Kyle Harvey
Mary Beth Hasselquist
Carolyn Hawkins
Kathleen Heiman
Mike Heinisch and Mary Gail Moyer Heinisch
Angie Hellriegel
Robert Henderson
Cathy Hendrickson
Betsy Hendry
Patricia Hennelly
David Henrich
Lisa Herbold
Shelley Hernandez
Becca Hersh
Brianna Hertford
Annie Hetzel
Chelsea Hicks
Sydney Higgins
Brittney Higgins
JoAnn & Denny and Denny Higgins
Haley Higgins
Julie Hill
Clyde Hill
Kristina Hillman
Carol Hinkson
Grant Hockin
Tara Holins
Lorna and Paul Holland
Ruth Hollingsworth
Beth Holmberg
Seth Holub
Jason Holub
Matt Hood
Dick Hopp
Cole Hornaday
Kristen Houser
Robert Hovden
Karen Howe
Jeannie and Daniel Hu
Teresa Huelskoetter
Julie Huffman
Marysol Huizar
Mary Hull
Jane Hummer
Julie Hutson
Kathy Hutson
Beth Hyland
Lisa Immerwahr
Paul and Elizabeth Inghram
Trudi and Jay Inslee
Carrie Jackson
Connor Janhunen
Fred Jarrett
David and Camille Jassny
Dawn Jeffries
Henry Jenkins
Barbara Jensen
Rebecca Joffrey
Jannike Johnsen
Jenny Johnsen-Bianchi
Noemi Johnson
Cloie Johnson and Tony Choppa
Sally Johnson
Mary and Gary Johnson
David and Glenna Johnson
Salenia Johnson
Erin Johnson
Jenny Johnson-Riley
Ian Johnston
Debra and Dave Jones
Melanie Jorgenson
Mary Joyce
Lynne Kalina
Lynda Kamrath
Saralee Kane
Jennifer Karr-Lee
Andrew Katz
Laurie Kavanagh
David Keepnews
Laina Keim
Margaret Kellogg
Meg Kelly
Thomas and Mary Kelly
Heather Kelly
Therese Kennelly Okraku
Paul Kenneth Hanks
Carol Killingsworth
Tom Kimmet
Michael Kippen
Ben Kirk
Michelle Kirkpatrick
Sarah Kirschner
Mariko Kita
Ken Kloeppel
Jerrica Klout
Alan Klug
Robert Knepp
Mary Knight
Daniel Knoepfler
Margaret Knoepfler
Paul Knoepfler
Kiersten Knutson
Penny Koch-Patterson
Jeanne Kohl-Welles
Yakov Kolontarov
Atin Kothari
Margot Kravette
Erika Kretzmer
John and Cheri Krieg
Vanessa Kritzer
Sharon Krogstad
Carole Krohn
Garrett Krueger and Mieko Hart
Sureyya Kurt
Jason LaFavor
Jennifer Lamar Crossley
Kathy Lambert
Susan Landon
Ray Lane
Erin Lane
Jean Lanz
Marli Larimer
Katherine Larsen
Margaret Larson
Mary Laskowski and Jake Koenigsberg
Michelle Le
Deborah Lee
Mark Leemon
Kim Lemar
Anne Levinson
Sandra Lew-Hailer
Jillene Lewis
MaryLou Lewis
Monet Lion
Sarracina Littlebird
Michele Livingston
A.D. Loessberg-Zahl
Susan Loggins
Guillermo Lopez
Adriana Lopez-Esteban
Fay Losser
Jenn Loutey
Tricia Lovely
Jennifer Lowe
Deidre and Douglas Luft
Lizanne Lyons
Stacy Lysen
Sandra M. Watson
Scott MacDonald
Barbara Mack
Alasdair Mackintosh
Shana MacLeod
Jason Madlung
Cindy Madrid
David and Susan Maehren
Patrick Mallahan
Michael Mallahan
Jordan Malloch
Leesa Manion
Lynn Manley and Lex Lindsey
Julie Margulies
Dana Marmion and Kent Breidenstein
Lesley Martin
Laura Martin
Mathew Martineau
Brittnee Martinez
Tola Marts
Carol Masnik
Sharon Mast
Cecilia Matta
Cindy Matthew
Jon and Lauri Mattsen
Marcie Maxwell
Laura and Damon May
David Mayer
Mackenzie Mcaninch
Jason McClain
Margaret McCurdy
Joe McDermott
Victoria McDowell
Cathy McDowell
Colleen McIngalls
Michael McKay
Virginia McKenzie
Jon Mcl
Elizabeth McLafferty
Emily Mcleod
Elizabeth McNamara and Timothy Dellit
Jackie McNeice
Jonathan and Lisa McQuade
Danu McQuade
Barbara and James McQueen
Cindy McRoberts and Ed Walker
Amy McRory
Kelli McSherry
Dino and Megan Menis
Scott Menzies
Kathleen Menzies
Elizabeth Menzies
Anne Mercklein
William Messmer
John Meyer
Jil Michael
Tracy Middlebrook
Holly Miller
Mckenzie Miller
Howard Mills
Margo Miltenberger
Paul Ming
Zoey Minkove
Gabriel Mintz
McKenzie Mitchell
Christina Miyamasu
Michael Mohandeson
Rebecca and Johnathon Mohr
Samuel Wineburg and Susan Monas
Marie Monti
Sharon Moon
Kristine Moore
Sally Moore
Tammy Morales
Mahrukh Motafram
Leslie Mullins
Amy Nash
Sara Nelson
Anna Joyce and Richard Nelson
Matty Nelson
Mary Neuman
James Nickerson
Judy and Steve Niver
Allison Niver
Molly Nixon
Rachel Nunez
Erika and Eric Nusser
Roger Nyhus
Mary Oakland
Victor Obeso
Bridget O’Brien
Michael O’Connell
Deirdre Anne O’Connor
Michael and Valerie O’Halloran
Paige Olivares
Kelsey Olmstead
Roselyn Olson
Laura Olson-Townsend
Jeff O’Reilly
Roberto Orellana
Representative Tina Orwall
Beth Osborne
William D Osmer
Stefanie Palaniuk
Richard Palmer
Lauren Paolini
Nanoh Park
Cheryl Parker
Veronica Parkinson
Sue Parris
Nancy Parrish
Calla Patel
Deborah Paul and John Featherston
Armondo Pavone
Stanetta Payne-Koerber
Elizabeth Pearson
Ecol PecaÌnz
Marie Pereda
Brian Perkins
Sarah Perry
Fachon Perry
Elisha Person
Nancy Peterson
Anna Pettee
Micah Phan
My-Lai Phan
Jennifer Phillips
Audrey Phillips
Theresa Phillips
Michael Pierson
Andrea Piper-Wentland
Debbie Pippin
Abigail Pishaw
Joe Plouf
Rachel Porter
Phyllis Porter
Tiffany Post
Debra Powell
Jeremy Price
Karin Printz-Belanger
Martin Proudfoot
Christine Putur
Paul and Barbara Quay
Kerry Radcliffe
Brittnee Rakosky
Dana Ralph
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Christopher Randall
Christie Randolph
Supritha Rao
Gail Ratley
Don Raz
Merle Redd-Jones
Cindy Reed
Jane and Jay Reich
Kaela Reilly
Susan and Alan Reiter
Justin Resnick
Valery Richardson
Jason Stoff and Angela Rickard
Kevin Riley
Jennifer Ritchie
Stacey Robinson
Anthony Robinson
Tracy Robinson
Susan and Robert Rochat
Sally Rochelle
David Rockefeller
Tori Rodgers
Susan Roe and James Shaker
Karen and Ken Roll
Carol Roll
Marilyn Romano
Ann Rood
Jason Rook
Summer Rosa-Mullen
Carla Rose
Kathryn Rosen
Rhian Rotz
Harriet Round
Erika Ruberry and Adam Goldfarb
Garrett Rudolph
Stephen and Elizabeth Rummage
Stephen Rummage
Elizebeth Rutherford
Brian and Jessica Saab
Dubravka Salopek
Kevin Sanders
Barbara Sardarov
Alexandrea Savage
Priyanjali Saxena
Judith and Ray Schafer
David Schiffrin
Elizabeth Schiltz
Patrick Schneider
Danielle Schneider
Helena Schoetzow
Lindsey Schuett
Cheryl Schulz
David Schwartz
Shaina Schwartzel
Kate Scott
Lisa Seal
Sid Seedy
Jennifer Seffernick
Carolyn Sellars
Anja Semanco
Meredith and Craig Shank
Sabina Shapiro
Shreya Sharma
Amy Shepherd
Mary Shepler
Alvin Sherron
Brenton Sherron
Patricia Sherron
Zola Sherwood
Tina Shin
Mary Beth Short
Kayla Shovlowsky
Amanda Shrader
Marcia Sill
Susan Simons
Lowell Skoog
Gary Slotnik
Jo-Ellen Smith
Shelby Smith
Yolanda Smith
Ellen Smith Nebre
Graham Smith-Gordon
Jan Solomon and Joyce Vail
Ed Sorger
Jennifer Sorrells
Susanna Southworth
Maureen Spain
Sheryl Speight
Erika Spongberg
Yvonne Stark
Lorraine Steed
Duane Steen
Meredith Stelling
Sonja Stendal
Erica Stephens
David Stern
Kathryn Stewart
Andy Stoller
Lynette Storer
Lynn Stromski
Melissa Stuart
Laura Stutsman
Nancy Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
Jeffrey and Patsy Sullivan
Kerry Sullivan
Sheehan Sullivan Weiss and Peter Sullivan-Finch
Ann and John Summers
Nico Swenson
Kim Swift
Doug Takeuchi Kimura
Rebecca Talbot-Bluechel
Debra Tarry
Keegan Tasker
Lauren Taylor
Melissa Taylor
Janine Terrano
Deborah Terry
Monica Terry
Ian Terry
Jason Thayer
Kathryn Thomas
Tracy Thomas Robinson
Mark Thompson
Grace Thompson and Chris Faulkner
Matthew Thurston
Lilia Torres
Molly Torres
Greg Totonelly
Barbara Townsend
Lisa Trifiletti
Stephanie Trollen
Melissa Tumas
Lenora Turner
Nancy Turner
Michelle Twohig
Marina Udodik
Kathy Ungerman
Laura Uskevich
Janis and Rodney Utley
Jeffrey Van Duzer
Robert Van Horn
Chris Vance and Annmarie Powers-Vance
Sara Vandenbelt
Loren VandenBerghe
Michelle Vaughan
Adisha Verma
Lucy Vernasco
Nieves Villanueva
Stephen Vitalich
Matt Vivion
Gail Vollrath
George and Angeline von Fuchs
Mark Vossler
Patricia and Ed Wagner
Susan Wagner
Marisa Walker
Jennifer Wallace
Deborah Wallace and William Adams
Leslie Wallis
Ella Ward
Tina Ward
Razuma Wardak
Sharon Watts
Kristen Weber and Grant Klepzig
Brittany Weede
Alexis Weil
Katie Weiss
Patrick Wellnitz
Christopher Wells
Kelli Wells
Heidi Wells
Sharon West
Myron and JoElla Weybright
Betty White
Lyam White
Anita White
Crystal White
Jason Wilcox
Christopher Wilhelm
Hope and Kenneth Wiljanen
Mary Williams
Jay Williamson
John and Rebecca Wilson
Laurie Wilson
Dee Ann Wilson
Anthony Winkler
Bruce Winter
Ashley Wolf
Mary Wolfe-Foxworthy
Joseph Woo
Aleigh Wood
Judith Woods
Teresa Wyman
Brian and Cheryl Wynne
Irene Yamamoto
Jen Yogi
Dennis Yule and Lynda Yule
Betsy and Charles Zeifman
Kyle Zinter
Jenny Ziv
Carri-Ann Zizman
Lori Zoellner
$30,000 - $49,999
William B Collins Fund
The Chisholm Foundation
Lightlamper Family Foundation
Medina Foundation
$10,000 - $29,999
Alaska Airlines
Archdiocese of Seattle
Bernier McCaw Foundation
The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation
Costco Wholesale
Expedia, Inc.
First Financial Northwest Foundation
Hasbro Children’s Fund Wizards of the Coast
Horizons Foundation
Byron and Alice Lockwood Foundation
Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Moccasin Lake Foundation
The Norcliffe Foundation
NW Children’s Foundation
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender
Uber Technologies, Inc.
Vreeland Law PLLC
Zevenbergen Capital Investments LLC
$5,000 - $9,999
Boeing Employees Community Fund
Charter Construction
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Delivery Express Logistics, Inc.
Deloitte LLP
Finance of America Cares
HKM Employment Attorneys LLP
Julie A. Kays, Attorney
Keithly Electric Company
King County Metro
Muckleshoot Indian Casino
MultiCare Health System
Rushing Co
Schlemlein Fick & Franklin PLLC
Helen Martha Schiff Foundation
Vulcan Inc.
Washington Gastroenterology
Up to $4,999
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Allegro Pediatrics
BNSF Railway Foundation
Catania Family Foundation
CFO Selections
Davis Polk
Dupar Foundation
Community Emlen
Evergreen Home Loans
Fales Foundation Trust
Friedman Rubin
G & R Quiat Family Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Gesher Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Google Inc.
Howard S. Wright, a Balfour Beatty company
Intel Foundation
JFL Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Liberty Mutual
Lowen Family Foundation
McEachern Foundation
McKinstry Co. Charitable Foundation
Melrose Grill
Nossaman LLP
Parker, Smith & Feek, Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
RealNetworks Foundation
Renton Regional Community Foundation
Robert Half International Inc.
Rotary Club of Renton
Soroptimist International of Auburn
Terrell Marshall Law Group PLLC
Tulalip Tribes Charitable Contributions
Umpqua Bank
United States Automobile Association
Vlad Popach Real Estate
Waggener Edstrom
Washington State Association for Justice
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation
Windermere Foundation