
The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 11: Interview with Hayley


The Link to Prevention Season 1, Episode 11: In this episode, Hannah sits down with Hayley, a senior at Mercer Island High School, and discuss Hayley’s experiences as a founding member of One Love Club at her school. Hannah and Hayley also discuss the importance of youth voice in prevention, as well as what adults can do to support youth initiatives to end sexual and domestic violence.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 10: Student Questions #3


The Link to Prevention Season 1, Episode 10: Middle and high school students are encouraged by the prevention team to ask questions during classroom presentations and can do so anonymously through the use of a QR code. In this episode, Hannah and Jessica sit down to answer frequently asked questions from the classroom.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 9: Depictions of a Minor Law


The Link to Prevention Season 1, Episode 9: In this episode, the KCSARC Prevention team delves into the federal law: Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct (Child Pornography). But this isn’t just legal jargon—it’s about safeguarding our youth.

Join us as we break down this law and empower our youth to navigate the digital world responsibly.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 8: Student Questions #2


The Link to Prevention Podcast Season 1, Episode 8: In this episode, Hannah is in conversation with Jessica and Adriana, a bilingual therapist at KCSARC, to answer frequently asked questions from students. Middle and high school students are encouraged by the prevention team to ask questions during classroom presentations, and can do so anonymously through the use of a QR code. For this episode, Jessica and Adriana sit down to answer a few of the questions asked this school year.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 7: Bystander Intervention


The Link to Prevention Podcast Season 1, Episode 7: In this episode, the KCSARC prevention team sits down to discuss the topic of bystander intervention. The prevention team defines bystander intervention, as well as the term “upstander.” Jessica and Hannah walk through the ways they teach high school students about bystander intervention, including the 4 Ds model of intervening. There’s more than one way to intervene! The prevention team also shares some of their own examples of bystander intervention throughout the conversation.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 6: Talking to Youth


The Link to Prevention podcast Season 1, Episode 6: How do you talk to the youth in your life about topics like boundaries, consent, and online safety? In this episode, Hannah chats with two KCSARC staff members who each have experience and expertise in this area. They offer some advice and guidance for starting and continuing these important conversations with the youth in your life.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 5 – Student Questions


The Link to Prevention podcast Season 1, Episode 5:  In this episode, the KCSARC team answers questions we often get from middle and high school students during classroom presentations. Jessica sits down with KCSARC staffers Alex, Jordan and Nate to tackle a few of the questions on students’ minds this school year.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 4 — Supporting Friends


The Link to Prevention podcast Season 1, Episode 4: The KCSARC prevention team discuss why people disclose experiences of sexual abuse or assault, as well as why it can be so difficult for people to disclose. Jessica and Hannah break down how they talk with high school students about supporting a friend who discloses an experience of sexual violence.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 3 – Power


Season 1, Episode 3 – In this episode, the KCSARC prevention team sits down to discuss the topic of power. The prevention team identifies why and how they teach students about power in the classroom. Jessica and Hannah explain the ways they relate power to the lives of students, both in person and online. The prevention team also connects this conversation back to the previous episode about consent.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 2 – Consent


Season 1, Episode 2 – In this episode, the KCSARC prevention team sits down to discuss the topic of consent. To begin, Chris, Jessica, and Hannah each recount their experiences learning about consent. Then they discuss why consent is included in their curriculum, and how it is taught. The team explains how they use the acronym FRIES to teach students the elements of consent.

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